General Summary

The revised Form 990 (the Foundation’s annual information return) includes a number of new questions that focus on the Foundation’s governance.  The questions reflect the belief that a “well-governed charity is more likely to obey the tax laws, safeguardcharitable assets, and serve charitable interests.”  Internal Revenue Service:  Governance and RelatedTopics - 501(c)(3) Organizations. Several of the questions also reflect the fact that portions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 apply to charitable organizations.

Document Retention Policy

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 requires in part that all corporations (including nonprofit corporations) prohibit the destruction of documents in response to anticipated or actual litigation.  The Foundation’s draft policy responds to that requirement, and also allows the Foundation to answer “yes” to the document retention policy question on the Form 990.  The Foundation’s Chair is identified as the administrator of this Policy.

Conflict of Interest Policy

The IRS has a strong focus on conflicts of interest with respect to charitable organizations.  This Conflict of Interest Policy and its annual disclosure form will enable the Foundation to answer “yes” to the relevant questions on the Form 990.  The key features of this Policy are that it 1) identifies the individuals who are subject to it; 2) clarifies when individuals must make disclosures; and 3) describes the process involved when someone discloses a conflict of interest.  The annual disclosure form supplements the Conflict of Interest Policy by requiring certain individuals to make annual written disclosures to the Foundation.

Compensation Policy

This policy supplements the Conflict of Interest Policy and enables the Foundation to answer “yes” to the relevant questions on the Form 990.  This policy reflects the “rebuttable presumption” requirements that apply to a public charity’s compensation arrangements with certain insiders.  The key feature of this policy is that it requires the Foundation to take certain steps to confirm that the compensation it pays is no more than fair market value.

Whistleblower Policy

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 prohibits all corporations (including nonprofit corporations) from retaliating against whistleblowers, and this policy is intended to demonstrate compliance with that restriction.  It also is intended to enable the Foundation to check the “yes” box on the Form 990 when the IRS asks whether the Foundation has such a policy.   The Chair is designated as the person to whom reports should be made under this policy.

Diversity Policy

We encourage and welcome diversity, recognizing it as a key competitive advantage. The value of different backgrounds and perspectives should not be overlooked. Having a diverse workforce assists us in looking at all situations from a variety of angles and encourages the development of innovative ideas and solutions. Embracing and understanding what each employee’s background and perspective can contribute gives us a competitive edge.Some types of diversity are as follows:

Respecting each individual and recognizing the value that we each bring to our team is essential. By creating a supportive environment that allows everyone to perform to his or her potential, we achieve success.

Travel Policy & General Information

Travel Policy

Please familiarize yourself with our policies and procedures for travel. We truly appreciate you taking the time to participate in this forum. As you make your plans, please remember that we are a nonprofit organization dependent on donations and volunteers. We do NOT pay for upgrades, change fees, incurred costs resulting from a flight change, transportation to or from your local (home side) airport, meals or other incidentals.

What the Foundation Pays For

Accommodations and meals are provided by the foundation during the forum. Airfare will be covered only if booked through our travel agent. The Foundation will also cover airport transportation on the forum side at the designated shuttle times. You can select not to utilize Foundation arranged transportation at your own expense when completing the travel form. Once your travel form is received your accommodations and airport transfer will be confirmed. Please let us know of any food allergies or other information we should be aware of on the travel forms.

Travel Reimbursement & Receipts

The forum structure has been developed over years of experience.

Airport Information

Airport information will be specific to each forum location. Please refer to the forum page in which you are attending for more information and specific dates and times.